Monday, October 31, 2022

Superlativr Adjectives

 Superlative Adjectives

Danerys Lora: Good morning students, how are you?

Excellent teacher Daneris :Students

Danerys Lora: Today´s class is the Superlative adjetives.

Teacher Daneris: For example
Teacher Daneris: For me halloween is the bets party of the year.
Teacher Daneris: The water the least expensive of drinks.
The most independent pet is the cat :Studen one
For me the best rock band is the Queen :student two
Teacher Daneris: Excellent.
 Teacher Daneris: Now with "least"
The least healthy are the juice of hearty food :Student three
Teacher Daneris: "Of healthy food"
English is the least difficult of  languages :Student four

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