Monday, September 5, 2022

 Welcome Back To School

(Elementary school students)

Teacher Daneris: Hello my students, your welcome  back to school! Good morning!
Good morning teacher Daneris! : The students
Teacher  Daneris: How are they?
Very good! : Student 1
Excellent! : Student 2
No so good : Student 3
Teacher Daneris: Today we are going to talk about the vacation.
Teacher Daneris: This is ok?
Ok teacher : The Students
Teacher Daneris: Do you have any questions?
No questions : The Students
Teacher Daneris: Volunteer?
Me, teacher : Juan A
Teacher Daneris: Ok.
Teacher Daneris: Did you travel on vacation?
Yes, I did : Juan A
Teacher Daneris: Where did you travel?
I went on a cruise to Hawai : Juan A

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